Landmarks: Coping with the Climate

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started10th Jan 1994
ended7th Feb 1994
last rpt13th Dec 2007on CBBC
15 school years
duration20 mins
subject 🌏Geography
age rangeAge 9-11
languageenIn English
Landmarks Coping with the Climate title.jpg

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Coping with the Climate is a unit of the BBC Schools TV series Landmarks from the 1990s & 2000s, covering geography for primary school pupils.

Programmes about extremes of the weather and how specific communities deal with living in the cold, monsoons, the desert and the climate in North Yorkshire.

Episode List

# Title Broadcast
1. The World's Weather #1994-01-10-00-00-0010 Jan 1994
2. Coping with the Cold #1994-01-17-00-00-0017 Jan 1994
3. Coping with the Wet #1994-01-24-00-00-0024 Jan 1994
4. Coping with the Heat #1994-01-31-00-00-0031 Jan 1994
5. Our Climate #1994-02-07-00-00-007 Feb 1994


Year Term Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Channel Details
1993-94 Spring 1994 Monday, 1:40pm Thursday, 11:10am BBC2 from 10 Jan
1995-96 Spring 1996 Monday, 1:20pm Thursday, 11:35am BBC2 from 26 Feb
1997-98 Summer 1998 Monday, 11:40am Friday, 11:10am BBC2 from 1 Jun
2000-01 Summer 2001 Wednesday, 12:10pm BBC2 from 25 Apr
2006-07 Autumn 2006 Thursday, 10:30am BBC2 from 14 Sep

Nightschool TV

Also broadcast overnight on BBC2 for block recording as part of Nightschool TV and the Learning Zone:

  • 1994-95: Spring 1995 - Thursday 9th February 1995 from 2:00am
  • 1995-96:
    • Autumn 1995 - Thursdays 19th & 26th October (audetel) & 2nd November 1995 from 2:00am
    • Spring 1996 - Thursdays 15th & 22nd February 1996 from 2:00am (audetel)
  • 1996-97:
    • Autumn 1996 - Thursday 17th October 1996 from 2:00am (audetel)
    • Summer 1997 - Coping with the Wet on Thursdays 22nd & 29th May 1997 at 3:20am (audetel)
  • 1997-98:
    • Spring 1998 - Thursdays 12th & 19th February 1998 from 2:00am (audetel)
    • Summer 1998 - Coping with the Heat on Thursday 28th May 1998 at 3:40am (audetel)
  • 1998-99:
    • Autumn 1998 - Tuesday 29th September 1998 from 2:56am (episodes 3-5, following 3 episodes of Heading South
    • Spring 1999 - Episodes 3-4 on Wednesday 24th & Thursday 25th February 1999 at 3:40am (both with audetel)

Several broadcasts from 1997-1999 included "audetel", audio description for visually impaired viewers.

CBBC Channel

Also broadcast on the CBBC Channel 'Class TV' service of schools programmes (this list may be incomplete):

  • 2002-03: Autumn 2002 (from Wednesday 16 October 2002, 9:20am)
  • 2003-04: Autumn 2003 (from Monday 24 November 2003, 10:10am)
  • 2004-05: Autumn 2004 (from Monday 22 November 2004, 9:00am), Spring (from Monday 28 February 2005, 9:50am) & Summer 2005 (from Thursday 28 April 2005, 10:00am)
  • 2005-06: Summer 2006 (Wednesday 17 May 2006 from 9:30am)
  • 2006-07: Summer 2007 (Thursday 14 June 2007 from 9:00am)
  • 2007-08: Autumn 2007 (Thursday 13 December 2007 at 1:15pm, just Coping with the Cold)


Narrator Alison Colville
Executive Producer Frank Flynn
Director David Wallace (episode 1)
Peter M. Evans
Producer Peter M. Evans


There were teacher's notes, a Video Plus Pack and a resource pack available.



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