Landmarks: Changing Landscapes

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started31st Oct 1988
ended14th Nov 1988
last rpt4th Jun 1992
4 school years
duration20 mins
subject 🌏Geography
age rangeAge 9-11
languageenIn English

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Changing Landscapes is a unit of the BBC Schools TV series Landmarks from the 1980s & 1990s, covering Geography for primary school pupils.

Programmes about the shipping and coal-mining industries. Groups of schoolchildren visit their local docks or mines to find out more about them, and we follow a lorry driver and a miner as they go about their business.

Two new programmes were paired up with two programmes on the same topics originaly shown on Now and Then in 1986. In 1992 the All Change at the Docks programme was re-edited and shown as part of the Landmarks unit on Transport.

Learning about All Change at the Docks

Episode List

Including repeats from Now and Then.

# Title Landmarks Broadcast Original Broadcast
1. The Docks Today #1988-10-31-00-00-0031 Oct 1988 -
_ All Change at the Docks (1986) #1988-11-07-00-00-007 Nov 1988 #1986-11-25-00-00-0025 Nov 1986
2. Modern Mining #1988-11-14-00-00-0014 Nov 1988 -
_ The Rise and Fall of King Coal #1988-11-21-00-00-0021 Nov 1988 #1986-11-11-00-00-0011 Nov 1986


Year Term Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Channel Details
1988-89 Autumn 1988 Monday, 1:40pm Thursday, 11:20am BBC2 from 31 Oct

In addition the episode on The Docks Today was repeated in Summer 1989, on Tuesday 23rd May at 1:40pm and Friday 25th May at 10:05am on BBC2, with in-vision subtitles as part of the Subtitle Slot.


Producer & director Judith Miles


There were teacher's notes available.


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