Landmarks: Tudors and Stuarts

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started20th Sep 1993
ended15th Nov 1993
last rpt15th Jan 1997
4 school years
duration20 mins
subject 🏛️History
age rangeAge 9-11
languageenIn English

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Tudors and Stuarts is a unit of the BBC Schools TV series Landmarks from the 1990s, covering history for primary school pupils.

A mix of documentaries and dramas about key monarchs and events from the Tudor and Stuart periods of English history.

Landmarks produced five new documentaries in 1993 looking at Henry VII, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Charles I and Charles II led by historians including David Starkey.

These were shown alongside popular programmes from earlier series to make a complete unit.

A unit on Life at Sea in the 16th Century was first shown on Now and Then in 1987 and included a programme on the Spanish Armada and two on the ship the Mary Rose, shortly after the wreck had been raised. These were repeated in 1988, then as part of Landmarks in 1990. The two Mary Rose programmes were edited down into a single programme for this Tudors and Stuarts unit in 1993.

A unit on Life in the 17th Century was first shown on The History Trail in 1985, and repeated on Now and Then in 1987 and on Landmarks in 1990. This included a drama-documentary on The Gunpowder Plot, and a sequel Prisoner in the Tower about the conspirators including Guy Fawkes, and these two programmes were also edited down into a single Gunpowder Plot episode for this Tudors and Stuarts unit. Two linked dramas about a family's experiences in the plague and the Great Fire of London originated from the same unit, and were repeated in this Tudors and Stuarts unit with just the opening titles changed.

Episode List

Episodes shown this year, including repeats from earlier series. Newly combined & revised episodes are listed as new.

# # Title Landmarks Broadcast Original Broadcast
1. (1) Henry VII #1993-09-20-00-00-0020 Sep 1993 -
2. (2) Henry VIII #1993-09-27-00-00-0027 Sep 1993 -
3. (3) The 'Mary Rose' #1993-10-04-00-00-004 Oct 1993 -
4. (4) Elizabeth I #1993-10-11-00-00-0011 Oct 1993 -
_ (5) The Spanish Armada #1993-10-18-00-00-0018 Oct 1993 #1987-02-17-00-00-0017 Feb 1987
5. (6) The Gunpowder Plot (1993) #1993-11-01-00-00-001 Nov 1993 -
6. (7) Charles I #1993-11-08-00-00-008 Nov 1993 -
7. (8) Charles II #1993-11-15-00-00-0015 Nov 1993 -
_ (9) drama Plague! #1993-11-22-00-00-0022 Nov 1993 #1985-10-25-00-00-0025 Oct 1985
_ (10) drama Fire! #1993-11-29-00-00-0029 Nov 1993 #1985-11-15-00-00-0015 Nov 1985


Year Term Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Channel Details
1993-94 Autumn 1993 Monday, 1:40pm Thursday, 11:10am BBC2 from 20 Sep
1995-96 Summer 1996 Monday, 1:20pm Thursday, 11:35am BBC2 from 15 Apr

Nightschool TV

Also broadcast overnight on BBC2 for block recording as part of Nightschool TV and the Learning Zone:

  • 1994-95: Spring 1995 - Tuesday 31st January & Wednesday 1st February 1995 from 2:00am
  • 1995-96:
    • Autumn 1995 - Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11th October from 2:00am.
    • Spring 1996 - Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th January 1996 from 2:00am
  • 1996-97: Spring 1997 - Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th January 1997 from 2:00am

In addition the episodes on Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were broadcast with "audetel", audio description for visually impaired viewers in 1995-96: on Thursday 19th & 26th October 1995 and Thursday 15th & 22nd February 1996, from 2:00am.


Narrator Michael Jayston
Dr Margaret Rule (The Spanish Armada)
Presenters Dr David Starkey (Henry VII & Henry VIII)
Clare Gittings (Elizabeth I)
With Stephen Player as Charles II
Music Peter Howell
Roger Limb
Michael Sargeant
David Chilton
Nicholas Russell-Pavier
Series Producer Peter M. Evans
Producer Nicholas Whines


Teacher's Notes

Teacher's Notes

Video Plus Pack

Video Plus Pack

The five newly produced programmes from 1993.


'Time-child' simulation software on Elizabeth I in which players follow Betsy, a house-maid to the Queen. Available for Acorn, Nimbus & PC and later re-released on CD-ROM.

There was also a Junior PinPoint 'datafile' on British Monarchs.

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