Landmarks: Egypt

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started17th Apr 1989
ended15th May 1989
last rpt17th Jun 1994
6 school years
duration20 mins
subject 🏫MiscellanyTopics
age rangeAge 9-11
languageenIn English

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Egypt is a unit of the BBC Schools TV series Landmarks from the 1980s & 1990s, covering history and geography for primary school pupils.

A unit of combined history and geography programmes, about both ancient and modern Egypt.

An introductory programme about the importance of the river Nile is followed by two programmes on Ancient Egypt, and two more on Egypt Today following modern family life. Egyptian presenters are used for all of the episodes.

The original transmission of the unit in 1989 was accompanied by a radio series of dramas and documentaries about Egypt, called The Egypt Project.

In 1991 an Over to You episode on Egypt was added, showing some of the work done by watching schools in response to the unit, as inspiration to others.

Scenes of Egypt

Episode List

# Title Broadcast
1. The Gift of the Nile #1989-04-17-00-00-0017 Apr 1989
2. The Pharaohs #1989-04-24-00-00-0024 Apr 1989
3. Life Under the Pharaohs #1989-05-04-00-00-004 May 1989
4. Life in Cairo Today #1989-05-08-00-00-008 May 1989
5. Life in Luxor Today #1989-05-15-00-00-0015 May 1989


Year Term Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Channel Details
1988-89 Summer 1989 Monday, 1:40pm Thursday, 11:20am BBC2 from 17 Apr
1990-91 Spring 1991 Monday, 1:40pm Thursday, 11:00am BBC2 from 7 Jan
1992-93 Spring 1993 Monday, 1:40pm Thursday, 11:10am BBC2 from 8 Feb

There was an additional one-off screening of the episode Life Under the Pharaohs in Summer 1994, on Friday 17th June 1994 at 1pm on BBC2.


Narrators Hassan al Geretly
Samira Kirollos
Producer & director David Meldrum


Teacher's Notes

Video Plus Pack

A 60-minute video containing the first three episodes, on the history of Ancient Egypt.

Fact Finder Book


'Time-child' simulation software on Egypt for Acorn, Nimbus & PC, in which players follow Shef, the son of a scribe, to learn about life in Ancient Egypt.

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