Zig Zag: Water, Air, Land

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companyBBC Wales
started12th Jan 1998
ended9th Feb 1998
last rpt16th May 2006on CBBC
9 school years
duration20 mins
age rangeAge 7-9
languageenIn English
Zig Zag Water Air Land title.jpg

Zig ZagHierarchyPrevious.gifPrevious unit: InvadersNext unit: Tudor LifeHierarchyNext.gif
Primary GeographyHierarchyPrevious.gifPrevious unit: Shorts: World Environmental ChangesNext unit: Portrait of EuropeHierarchyNext.gif

Water, Air and Land is a unit of the BBC Schools TV series Zig Zag from the 1990s & 2000s, covering the environment for primary school pupils.

A unit of programmes about environmental sustainability. A presenter known as The Director co-ordinates young Zig Zag investigators in Cardiff, Lincolnshire, East Yorkshire and Spain, looking at how people use water, air and land, and deal with waste, in ways that don't destroy the environment.

Presenter 'The Director'

Primary Geography

In 2003 this unit was repeated as part of the new series Primary Geography, with amended opening titles but otherwise intact.

Titles & Theme Music

Episode List

# Title Broadcast
1. Environmental Change #1998-01-12-00-00-0012 Jan 1998
2. Using the World's Resources #1998-01-19-00-00-0019 Jan 1998
3. Waste #1998-01-26-00-00-0026 Jan 1998
4. Guarding the Future #1998-02-02-00-00-002 Feb 1998
5. Conflicts #1998-02-09-00-00-009 Feb 1998


Year Term Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Channel Details
1997-98 Spring 1998 Monday, 11:20am Thursday, 11:15am BBC2
1998-99 Spring 1999 Monday, 11:20am Thursday, 11:15am BBC2
1999-2000 Spring 2000 Monday, 11:10am Wednesday, 11:20am BBC2
2000-01 Spring 2001 Wednesday, 11:50am BBC2
2001-02 Spring 2002 Friday, 11:50am BBC2
2002-03 Summer 2003 Monday, 11:50am BBC2 Primary Geography

CBBC Channel

Also broadcast on the CBBC Channel 'Class TV' service of schools programmes.

As a unit of Zig Zag:

Then as a unit of Primary Geography:


Presenter Griff Rowland Williams as The Director
Executive Producer Liz Cleaver for BBC Education
Dai Williams
Producer & director Dafydd Llŷr James


There were teacher's notes , a resource pack and a Video Plus pack available.

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