Schedule:Autumn 1972

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BBC Radio

Radio 4 England

9:05 A Religious Service for Primary SchoolsThe way we worship (rpt) 9:05 Frisch Begonnen...
9:25 Material for Assembly
09:30 9:30 A Religious Service for Primary SchoolsThe way we worship 9:30 History in EvidenceRoman Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain 9:30 Foreign Correspondent(Graham Tayar) (rpt of Thursday)
9:35 The Bible: How and Why?People in the Gospels / How the Gospels were Written / Is the Bible True?, etc
09:45 9:45 Listening and Reading I 9:45 Music Workshop Stage IAlice
9:55 Movement and Music Stage IIFeet / The Fantastic Toyshop / Pinocchio (James Dodding) 9:55 The World of WorkBefore You Start / What Kind of Job? / Getting the Job 9:55 La Parole aux Jeunes 9:55 Movement and Music Stage IThe Four Friends / The Pied Piper / The Tailor of Gloucester (Penny Whittam) (rpt)
10:05 Poetry Corner
10:30 10:30 Halb Gewonnen!(Stephen Kanocz) 10:30 History in FocusNationalism in Europe / Free Trade and After 10:30 Music Workshop Stage IIMutiny on the Cutty Sark 10:30 La France Aujord'hui 10:30 Voix de France
10:45 10:45 Intermediate German 10:45 Horizons de France
10:50 A Corner for Music(Albert Chatterley)
11:00 11:00 Singing Together(Fergus O'Kelly) 11:00 Movement and Music Stage IThe Four Friends / The Pied Piper / The Tailor of Gloucester (Penny Whittam) 11:00 InquirySporting Life / A Place Fit to Live In 11:00 Time and TuneThe Sleeping Beauty 11:00 Deutsch für die Oberstufe
11:20 SpringboardWords! / The Big Cats / Winter 11:20 Music Club(Gary Taylor) 11:20 DiscoveryHuman Biology / The Unseen World / Bridges 11:20 Man 11:20 Listening and Writing
11:40 Drama Workshop 11:40 episodes of 'History in Focus', the 'Music Box Treasury' or no programmes 11:40 Religion and LifeMatter, Mind and Spirit / The Artist and His Vision 11:40 Guitar School 11:40 British Isles and World StudiesCommunications and Economic Growth in the UK 11:40 ProspectExperiment in the Arts / Inside the EEC
14:00 14:00 Exploration EarthSea / Land / Air 14:00 World HistoryAncient / Medieval / Renaissance 14:00 Movement, Mime and Music Stage I(James Dodding) 14:00 Living LanguageBeowulf / Iliad, etc 14:00 Let's Join In
14:20 The Music Box(Gordon Reynolds) 14:20 Europe and the WorldUnited States of America 14:20 Books, Plays, PoemsOriginal Stories / Three American Stories / Breakfast at Tiffany's 14:20 Movement and Music Stage IIFeet / The Fantastic Toyshop / Pinocchio (James Dodding) (rpt) 14:20 USA - Humanities
14:30 14:30 Speak
14:40 Movement, Mime and Music Stage IIFalse Treason (Brian Sanders) 14:40 Stories and RhymesA Bestiary / Riding the Dark / Now Make we Merthe 14:40 Learning About LifeSelf-Discovery 14:40 Guitar School
14:45 14:45 Nature

Radio 4 Northern Ireland


as England.


as England except:

11:40-12:00 Irish Geography: Agriculture / Industry / Transport and Communications / Supply and Demand


as England.


as England except:

9:55-10:15 Modern Irish History: People and Events


as England except:

11:00-11:20 Today and Yesterday in Northern Ireland: Famous Ulstermen / Pounds and Pence / Out and About / Down to the Sea

Radio 4 Scotland


as England except:

11:20-11:40 From Seven to Nine: Journeys / Messages


as England except:

9:30-9:50 A Religious Service

9:55-10:15 O-Grade Scottish History: Changing Life in Scotland

11:40-12:00 Scottish History: in the 19th Century


as England.


as England except:

9:05-9:25 A Religious Service (rpt)

11:40-12:00 Exploring Scotland: Making a Home / Clothes and Coverings / Food

14:20 Think and Move

14:40-15:00 Questions of Living: Out of the Classroom


as England except:

11:40-12:00 Scottish Writing / Prospect: Inside the EEC (as England)

Radio 4 Wales


as England except:

11:20-11:40 Y Byd o'n Cwmpas: Bioleg Dynol / Y Byd Anweledig / Pontydd


as England except:

9:30-9:50 Gwasanaeth Crefyddol

11:00-11:20 Gair yn ei Le


as England except:

11:00-11:20 Ar Grwydr yng Nghymru: Y Pridd o dan f'sgidie / Ddoe a Heddiw

14:20-14:40 Dwedwch Chi


as England except:

11:20 Symud a Chân: Caneuon

11:40-12:00 Stories from Welsh History: The Travellers / The Story of a Cathedral

14:40-15:00 Exploring Wales: All in a Lifetime / The Entertainers

(A Religious Service for Primary Schools is not a repeat)


as England except:

9:05-9:25 Gwasanaeth Crefyddol (rpt)

11:00-11:20 Sain, Crydd a Chân: Caneuon

Notes & New Programmes

Programmes this term were scheduled to run from Monday 18th September to Friday 1st December 1972, with no broadcasts in the week beginning 30th October due to half term. However all schools programmes (on television as well as radio, and in all areas of the UK) on Monday 20th November were replaced by coverage of the Silver Wedding of The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. All Monday programmes were postponed by one week and actually finished on Monday 4th December.

There were three brand new schools radio series this term. Foreign Correspondent was a series for sixth formers in which journalists gave reports about topical events around the world. This series was broadcast first for adults, on Thursdays at 6:30pm on Radio 3 in the 'Study on 3' slot, before being re-broadcast for schools the following morning on Radio 4. This term it included a sequence of six programmes on the American presidential elections called 'Choosing the President: The Campaign'.

The other new series this term were History in Focus and USA - Humanities, both for secondary schools and both including some radiovision programmes.

On Mondays at 11:40am Drama Workshop was broadcast fortnightly, with other schools programmes heard in some but not all of the intervening weeks. Radiovision episodes of History in Focus were broadcast on 25th September and 6th November, the Music Box Treasury on 9th October, and in Wales an extra radiovision episode of Y Byd o'n Cwmpas went out on 20th November.

The repeated series Guitar School, for secondary school pupils beginning to learn the instrument, was broadcast twice a week this term, with two different episodes each week. It returned to one episode a week in the spring term.

BBC Local Radio

It is likely that several BBC local radio stations broadcast programmes for schools this term. I only know the schedule for Radio London - if you know any others please get in touch by email.

BBC Radio London

14:34 Bubble and Squeak 14:34 Black Studies 14:34 Bubble and Squeak (rpt) 14:34 Voice Across Time (rpt)
15:00 15:01 Time for a Story 15:01 Time for a Story (rpt) 15:01 Voice Across Time 15:01 Black Studies (rpt)

Programmes on BBC Radio London were broadcast from Monday 18th September to Thursday 30th November 1972, with no programmes in the week beginning 23rd October due to half term. Whenever schools programmes were not broadcast at these times on Mondays to Thursdays, the station relayed BBC Radio One.

BBC Television

BBC1 England

09:15 9:15 Engineering Craft Studies
9:38 CountdownYear A 9:38 Maths Workshop Stage 2 (rpt) 9:38 Maths Workshop Stage 1 9:38 Maths TodayYear 2 (revised) (rpt) 9:38 Science All Around 9:38 History 1917-71War and Peace in Europe (rpt) 9:42 Watch(Andrew Bradford) (rpt) 9:38 Science Session 9:38 Exploration and Discovery (rpt)
10:00 10:00 Merry-Go-RoundSea and Shore / How It Works / Looking for Romans / The Broken Sword, etc 10:00 History 1917-71War and Peace in Europe 10:00 Science All Around (rpt) 10:00 Music TimePeter and the Wolf 10:00 Maths Workshop Stage 2 10:00 CountdownYear A (rpt) 10:00 Look and ReadThe Boy From Space (rpt)
10:25 USA 72 10:25 Exploring Science (rpt) 10:25 Look and ReadThe Boy From Space 10:25 A Job Worth Doing? (rpt)
11:00 11:00 Watch(Andrew Bradford) 11:00 Exploring Science 11:00 USA 72 (rpt) 11:00 Merry-Go-RoundSea and Shore / How It Works / Looking for Romans / The Broken Sword, etc (rpt) 11:00 Music TimePeter and the Wolf (rpt)
11:05 A Year's Journey 11:05 British Social HistoryThe Age of Steam (rpt)
11:18 Going to Work (rpt)
11:23 Words and PicturesSam on Boffs' Island 11:25 People of Many LandsTwo Tropical Islands / Eastern Europe 11:25 Science Extra: Biology (rpt) 11:25 Scene (rpt)
11:30 11:30 New HorizonsStill in Print and Going Strong / People and Computers
11:40 Science Extra: Biology 11:40 People of Many LandsTwo Tropical Islands / Eastern Europe (rpt) 11:40 British Social HistoryThe Age of Steam 11:40 A Year's Journey (rpt)
11:50 Twentieth Century FocusThe Community / The Motor Car / Crafts and Craftsmen (rpt)
12:00 12:00 Profit by Control
12:05 New HorizonsStill in Print and Going Strong / People and Computers (rpt) 12:05 Avventura (rpt of Sunday)
14:00 14:00 A Job Worth Doing?
14:05 Words and PicturesSam on Boffs' Island 14:05 Exploration and Discovery 14:05 Science SessionHabitat Today / Radio and Television (rpt) 14:05 Scene 14:05 Engineering Craft Studies (rpt)
14:25 Going to Work
14:30 14:30 Science Extra: Physics 14:30 Look Out (rpt) 14:30 Twentieth Century FocusThe Community / The Motor Car / Crafts and Craftsmen (rpt)
14:50 Maths TodayYear 2 (revised) 14:50 Maths Workshop Stage 1 (rpt)
15:15 15:13 Look Out 15:13 Science Extra: Physics (rpt)
15:35 Twentieth Century FocusThe Community / The Motor Car / Crafts and Craftsmen

BBC1 Northern Ireland


as England.


as England.


as England plus:

10:25-10:45 Ulster in Focus: Early Days / Exploring Ulster (fortnightly)


as England plus:

14:30-14:50 Ulster in Focus: Early Days / Exploring Ulster (fortnightly) (rpt)


as England.

BBC1 Scotland


as England except:

11:30-11:50 Let's See: Messages / Wood and Paper / The Street / Castles


as England except:

14:05-14:25 Let's See: Messages / Wood and Paper / The Street / Castles (rpt)


as England except:

10:25-10:45 Around Scotland: Starting Points / The Hebrides / Making Things / Nature Study

14:30-14:50 Living in Scotland: Scotland and Its People / You and Your Job / Leisure


as England plus:

14:30-14:50 Around Scotland: Starting Points / The Hebrides / Making Things / Nature Study (rpt)


as England plus:

10:25-10:45 Living in Scotland: Scotland and Its People / You and Your Job / Leisure (rpt)

BBC1 Wales


as England.


as England.


as England plus:

10:25-10:45 Gwlad a Thref: Byd Natur / Hwnt ac Yma (fortnightly)


as England plus:

14:30-14:50 Gwlad a Thref: Byd Natur / Hwnt ac Yma (fortnightly) (rpt)


as England plus:

10:25-10:45 Ffenestri / Let's Look at Wales

Notes & New Programmes

Most programmes were scheduled to run from Monday 18th September to Friday 1st December 1972, with a week of half term repeats beginning on Monday 30th October. The series for further education ran to a slightly different schedule: Twentieth Century Focus began on Monday 25th September and all other FE series (Avventura, Engineering Craft Studies and Profit by Control) began in the week of 2nd October and all were planned to continue into the week after the end of the school term.

All schools TV & radio programmes on Monday 20th November were replaced by coverage of the Silver Wedding of The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, and so for the rest of term all Monday programmes ran one week later than planned, finishing on Monday 4th December. This delay even affected the further education series, so Profit by Control did not conclude until Monday 11th December. The secondary school series Science Extra: Biology and Science Extra: Physics were scheduled to continue for ever longer than the FE series, and this term's final broadcast of Science Extra: Biology was not until Thursday 14th December.

The Italian language series Avventura was shown first for adults, on Sunday mornings at 10:00am on BBC1, before being broadcast during the daytime schools programmes on Wednesdays, and repeated again for adults on Saturday mornings at 10:30am on BBC1 (the Saturday broadcast was originally planned for 11:00am). The adult broadcasts continued almost uninterrupted throughout the year and so concluded in April 1973, but the Wednesday broadcasts went out during term time only and so the 25th and final episode was not broadcast on a Wednesday until June 1973.

The careers series for school leavers, A Job Worth Doing?, was broadcast first to schools on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings, but was also repeated on Sunday mornings at 11:35am for the benefit of the school leavers' parents. The Sunday morning run did not begin until 1st October, a week after the schools broadcasts had begun, but continued duing half term when the schools transmission was a repeat, so that after half term the Sunday broadcasts were synchronised with the weekday broadcasts.

Only a very limited number of the BBC's programmes for schools & colleges were broadcast in colour this term: only Avventura, Gwlad a Thref, Profit by Control, USA 72 and Words and Pictures. All of the programmes in colour were new episodes shown for the first time this term, but not all of them were brand new series introduced for the first time. This term's new series were Avventura, Countdown, Exploring Science, Engineering Craft Studies, A Job Worth Doing? and USA 72.

Special Programmes

After the end of term several documentaries which had been originally broadcast for adults in the evening were repeated for the use of schools. These were billed to teachers as Special Programmes. The following programmes were shown this term:

  • Tuesday 5th December, 10:00-10:25am, The Wandering Albatross (from the series Private Lives, originally broadcast on 29th March 1970)
  • Wednesday 6th December, 11:00-11:50am, The Wizard Who Spat on the Floor (from Horizon, 1st May 1972)
  • Wednesday 6th December, 2:00-2:25pm, The Great Crested Grebe (from Private Lives, 4th March 1972)
  • Thursday 7th December, 10:25-10:45am, A River Reborn (from Look, Stranger, 3rd November 1971)
  • Thursday 7th December, 2:05-2:55pm, Food (from Rich Man, Poor Man, 16th May 1972)
  • Friday 8th December, 11:05am-12:00noon, Word (from The Space Between Words, 8th February 1972)
  • Monday 11th December, 11:05-11:55am, Navajo: The Last Red Indians (from Horizon, 10th January 1972) - this programme was originally scheduled for Monday 4th December, but was postponed by a week due to the Queen's wedding anniversary.

There were also two extra, repeat episodes of Scene on Tuesdays - Men Against Mountains on 5th December and Solo on 12th December, both documentaries.

Independent Television

Thames Television, London

09:30 9:30 Finding Out(Michael Harbour) 9:30 Seeing and Doing(Claire Woolford) 9:30 My World: Real Life(Martin Banham) 9:30 Stop Look Listen(Harvey Higgins) 9:30 Figure It Out (rpt)
9:42 The Time of Your Life
09:45 9:47 The World Around Us(Gordon Luck) 9:47 Writer's Workshop(Michael Baldwin) 9:43 How We Used To LiveVictorian Britain (revised)
9:48 Meeting Our NeedsEnergy 9:50 Flashback (rpt)
10:00 10:00 Picture Box(Alan Rothwell) (rpt)
10:07 The Communicators (rpt) 10:05 It's Fun to Read (rpt)
10:08 Evidence
10:15 10:15 The Living Body (rpt) 10:15 The Magic of Music (rpt)
10:19 My World: Stories(Maureen Sutcliffe) (rpt)
10:30 10:32 Challenge (rpt)
11:00 11:00 My World: Stories(Maureen Sutcliffe) 11:00 Figure It Out 11:00 Finding Out(Michael Harbour) (rpt) 11:00 Flashback 11:00 My World: Real Life(Martin Banham) (rpt)
11:15 11:15 The Magic of Music 11:13 Meeting Our NeedsEnergy (rpt)
11:18 Picture Box(Alan Rothwell) 11:20 The World Around Us(Gordon Luck) (rpt) 11:20 Writer's Workshop(Michael Baldwin) (rpt) 11:22 Seeing and Doing(Claire Woolford) (rpt)
11:30 11:32 The Communicators
11:35 It's Fun to Read 11:33 Stop Look Listen(Harvey Higgins) (rpt)
11:40 Evidence (rpt) 11:40 How We Used To LiveVictorian Britain (revised) (rpt)
11:45 11:45 The Living Body 11:45 The Time of Your Life (rpt)
14:00 14:00 Challenge

ATV Midlands


as London, but excluding Challenge.


as London.


as London.


as London.


as London, but excluding Challenge.

Anglia Television

as Midlands.

Southern Television

as Midlands.

Channel Television

Programmes largely as London, except for at least two weekly transmissions of En Français - one of them possibly on Wednesdays at around 11:40am.

Westward Television

as London.

HTV Wales & West


as London.


as London except:

10:07 Hwb I Greu


as London.


as London plus:

10:32 The Communicators (rpt)


as London except:

9:50 Hwb I Greu (rpt)

10:32 Flashback (rpt)

Granada Television

as Midlands.

Yorkshire Television


as London, but excluding Challenge.


as London.


as London.


as London plus:

12:02-12:22 People Work Here: Food / Some Basic Industries


as London except:

10:32-10:52 People Work Here: Food / Some Basic Industries (rpt)

Tyne Tees Television

as Yorkshire.

Scottish Television


as London except:

11:34-11:52 See for Yourself: Water / Time

and excluding Challenge.


as London except:

10:09-10:27 See for Yourself: Water / Time (rpt)


as London.


as London.


as London, but excluding Challenge.

Border Television

11:00 11:00 My World: Stories(Maureen Sutcliffe) 11:00 Figure It Out 11:00 Finding Out(Michael Harbour) (rpt) 11:00 Flashback 11:00 My World: Real Life(Martin Banham) (rpt)
11:15 11:15 The Magic of Music 11:13 Meeting Our NeedsEnergy (rpt)
11:18 Picture Box(Alan Rothwell) 11:20 The World Around Us(Gordon Luck) (rpt) 11:20 Writer's Workshop(Michael Baldwin) (rpt) 11:22 Seeing and Doing(Claire Woolford) (rpt)
11:30 11:32 The Communicators
11:35 It's Fun to Read 11:33 Stop Look Listen(Harvey Higgins) (rpt)
11:40 Evidence (rpt) 11:40 How We Used To LiveVictorian Britain (revised) (rpt)
11:45 11:45 The Living Body 11:45 The Time of Your Life (rpt)
13:40 Finding Out(Michael Harbour) 13:40 Seeing and Doing(Claire Woolford) 13:40 My World: Real Life(Martin Banham) 13:40 Stop Look Listen(Harvey Higgins) 13:40 Figure It Out (rpt)
13:52 The Time of Your Life
13:57 The World Around Us(Gordon Luck) 13:57 Writer's Workshop(Michael Baldwin) 13:53 How We Used To LiveVictorian Britain (revised)
14:00 14:58 Meeting Our NeedsEnergy 14:00 Flashback (rpt)
14:10 Picture Box(Alan Rothwell) (rpt)
14:15 14:17 The Communicators (rpt) 14:15 It's Fun to Read (rpt)
14:18 Evidence
14:25 The Living Body (rpt) 14:25 The Magic of Music (rpt)
14:30 14:29 My World: Stories(Maureen Sutcliffe) (rpt)

Grampian Television


as Border.


as Border except:

11:45 Let's Make It


as Border except:

14:28 Let's Make It (rpt)


as Border.


as Border.

Ulster Television

as Border.

Notes & New Programmes

The main term of schools programmes on ITV this term ran from Monday 18th September to Friday 1st December 1972 (but see below for details of further broadcasts in early December). In the week beginning 23rd October the programmes shown in the previous week were repeated, due to the schools' half term break. There were no schools broadcasts on Monday 20th November due to ITV's coverage of The Royal Silver Wedding Anniversary - all Monday programmes were postponed by a week and so finished on Monday 4th December.

New programmes starting this term included mass media series The Communicators and primary mathematics series Figure It Out, both made by ATV, plus modern social history series Flashback, and infant series The Magic of Music, both made by Granada.

There were also three new local series: Hwb I Greu, a creative-writing series for Welsh pupils made by HTV, See for Yourself, a science series for primary school children made by Scottish Television, and En Français, a French teaching series made by the French national broadcaster, the ORTF, and shown by Channel Television.

Hwb I Greu ran for only six episodes this term, and Thames's Challenge only ran for five weeks in the first half of term.

All ITV schools programmes were transmitted in colour this term, with the exception of Yorkshire Television's How We Used To Live, which was being repeated from autumn 1968 and was made in black and white.

Morning Schools Broadcasts

Traditionally the total number of hours in which television programmes could be transmitted in any one day was limited by the government. In practice this meant that the television companies preferred to schedule most of their weekday programmes during the late afternoon and evening, when they would receive the biggest audiences - leaving the daytime hours free for schools programmes to be broadcast.

In 1972 these restrictions were removed by the government, and in turn the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA, the organisation which oversaw all of the various ITV companies) allowed ITV's schools programmes to be shifted entirely into the morning, so that programmes for the general public could be broadcast during the afternoons. For several years ITV schools programmes had generally been scheduled in two blocks - one in the morning from 11am, and another in the afternoon from 1:40pm. From this term the afternoon block was moved to begin at 9:30am. While most companies seemed eager to establish a daytime TV schedules for general audiences, three of the smaller companies - Border Television, Grampian Television and Ulster Television - did not immediately adopt the new schedule, and so schools programmes continued to be broadcast in the afternoons in those regions.

However the new, extended ITV schedules were not introduced as smoothly as had been hoped. By 18th September when the school broadcasting term was due to start, the ITV companies still did not have an agreement with the technicians' union, the Association of Cinematograph, Television and Allied Technicians, to cover the extra hours at the beginning and end of each day required to transmit the extra programmes. The union denied that they were on strike, but they did refuse to transmit the schools programmes scheduled to begin before 10am, and one or two programmes each day were not shown. Apparently a brief apology caption was broadcast instead, and some ITV companies sent letters to schools apologising for the "industrial disagreement".

As all schools programmes were shown twice a week in different timeslots none of the series were cancelled completely, but any schools which had planned to rely on the early morning broadcasts found themselves without the resources they had hoped to use. The IBA received numerous complaints from teachers, who began to find fault with the whole idea of moving schools programmes to the morning, although this had excited little comment when it was first announced. Some complained that the dispute was allowed to continue for several weeks, and that "it would have been settled much more quickly (...) if News at Ten or Coronation Street had been hit"[1]. The National Union of Teachers reported that "there has been a great deal of concern expressed by teachers to us," and an MP wrote to the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications describing the disruption caused to schools as "an extraordinary scandal" (a charge which was dismissed as "nonsense" by the technicians' union)[2].

The dispute continued for the first five weeks of term, and it was not until the half term repeat week that schools programmes began to be shown at 9:30am as scheduled[3].

To compensate for the disruption, Thames, Anglia, Southern, Channel and Westward Television showed several of the programmes which had been missed earlier in the term between Tuesday 5th and Thursday 14th December 1972, starting at 9:30am each day. They showed all of the unscreened episodes of the series produced by Thames Television - Finding Out, The World Around Us, Writer's Workshop and Finding Out - in roughly the same order as they were originally scheduled but on different days of the week, which may have made it difficult for schools operating to strict timetables to catch up with the programmes.

Granada Television also rescheduled some of their own missed programmes - including Picture Box, Flashback and The Living Body - from Tuesday 5th to Monday 11th December for an hour a day between 11:00am and 12:00noon. The remainder of the ITV regional stations did not show any extra schools programmes after the end of term. Because of these uneven and unsatisfactory arrangements for rescheduling the missed episodes, new arrangements were made for all companies to screen these programmes at the end of the summer term 1973.

Separately, the introduction of daytime schedules on ITV included a new provision for pre-school children on weekday lunchtimes. Two programmes were shown each day, and although designed for children who did not attend nurseries, the first of the two programmes, shown at 12:05pm immediately after the schools programmes, was generally educational in nature and could perhaps be used by nursery schools. The first 12:05pm programme was Rainbow, which began on Monday 16th October and continued daily (except in the Yorkshire Television region, where the Thursday slot was taken by the schools programme People Work Here) throughout this term before being replaced by Inigo Pipkin, Hickory House and Mr Trimble in subsequent months.

Independent television schools programmes would retain the 9:30am-12:00noon time period which they adopted this term for the remainder of their existence. The scheduling survived their move to Channel 4 in autumn 1987, and remained intact until schools programmes were dropped by Channel 4 in autumn 2009.

ILEA Television

The Inner London Education Authority's television service for schools continued this term on three separate TV channels, available in well over 1,000 London schools.

During the 1972-3 school year there were 78 separate series shown on the ILEA channels, including around 300 new episodes - although no more than 31 of these series were aimed at school classroom viewers, the remainer were for teachers or for further education.

Amongst the programmes for schools this year were local interest series London Markets, primary French series Parlons Française, and a series on world history.

The multiple dedicated channels for educational programmes allowed regular previews & repeats of all programmes - Parlons Française got up to six hours of airtime per week for example. One hour per week on Fridays was reserved for individual schools to request programmes to be repeated for them to record[4].

Sources & References

  • BBC (1972) BBC Radio and Television for Ages 9-18 Annual Programme 1972-3. London: BBC.
  • BBC Broadcasts to Schools - (former) BBC library collection of all publications for autumn 1972
  • The Daily Telegraph television listings, 1972
  • The Guardian television listings, 1972
  • Guardian (1972) 'Schools' TV losses considered' in The Guardian 28 September 1972 p.7 col.a
  • Hill, Brian (1972) 'CCTV: is the game worth the candle?' in The Times Educational Supplement Extra/L.H.T.A. 20 October 1972 p.40
  • IBA (1973) Independent Broadcasting Authority Annual Report and Accounts 1972-73. London: IBA.
  • Radio Times London edition radio & television listings, 1972
  • Scottish Television (1972) Independent Television for Schools and Colleges Annual Programme 1972/73 Age 5-13. Glasgow: Scottish Television Limited
  • Telegraph (1972a) 'Pay row delays ITV school programmes' in The Daily Telegraph 28 September 1972 p.1 col.c
  • Telegraph (1972b) 'End likely to ITV schools show dispute' in The Daily Telegraph 19 October 1972 p.2 col.f
  • TES (1972) 'Schools broadcasts worst hit by long-drawn out TV technicians' strike' in The Times Educational Supplement 6 October 1972 p.7 col.d
  • Times (1972a) 'Go-ahead given by Mr Chataway to 24-hour radio and television' in The Times 20th January 1972 p.7 col.D
  • Times (1972b) 'In brief: ITV schools schedule' in The Times 19 October 1972 p.x col.h
  • TV Times Anglia Edition television listings, 1972
  • TV Times Granada Edition television listings, 1972
  • TV Times London Edition television listings, 1972, via TV Times Project database
  • TV Times Midland Edition television listings, 1972
  • TV Times Yorkshire Edition television listings, 1972
  • Yorkshire Television (1972) Independent Television for Schools and Colleges Annual Programme 1972/73 Age 11-18. Leeds: Yorkshire Television Limited

  1. "It would have been settled much more quickly, they say, if News at Ten or Coronation Street had been hit" from TES (1972). The point that teachers began to find fault with the move to morning scheduling only after the industrial problems arose, is made in IBA (1973) p.19.
  2. Mr Maurice Newrick, an official of the National Union of Teachers was reported saying "it is certainly true that there has been a great deal of concern expressed by teachers to us as well" in TES (1972). Telegraph (1972b) reported that "Mr John Pardoe, Liberal MP for North Cornwall, complained of a 'conspiracy of silence' about the dispute, in a letter to Sir John Eden, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications. The disruption to schools was 'an extraordinary scandal'. The same Telegraph article contains ACTT secretary Alan Sapper's retort that "Mr Pardoe's allegations were 'nonsense'."
  3. I don't know for certain exactly when 9:30am broadcasts of schools programmes began, as TV listings in the TV Times and all daily newspapers continued to list the full planned schedule, from 9:30am until well after midnight, throughout the industrial dispute. Telegraph (1972b) and Times (1972b) both report that the dispute had been, or was about to be, settled and that "the advertised programme schedules should be in operation next week." Both were published on Thursday 19th October, so it is most likely that the full schedule was observed from Monday 23rd October, the beginning of the half term repeat week.
  4. All information about this year's ILEA programmes from Hill (1972)