Schedule:Autumn 1968

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BBC Radio

Radio 4 England

London and English regional Radio 4 transmitters, and to other national transmitters except as indicated below.

9:05 A Religious Service for Primary SchoolsSt George / Before the Ministry (rpt) 9:05 An Act of Worship
9:20 Frisch Begonnen...
09:30 9:30 A Religious Service for Primary SchoolsSt George / Before the Ministry
9:35 Mathematics
09:45 9:45 British HistoryDecisive Events 9:45 À L'écoute
9:55 Over To You 9:55 Music and Movement II(James Dodding) 9:55 Music and Movement I(Penny Whittam) (rpt) 9:55 Music and Movement II(James Dodding) (rpt)
10:30 10:30 Allons-y! 10:30 Intermediate French 10:30 German for Sixth Forms 10:30 French for Sixth Forms
10:45 10:47 Nous Voici 10:45 Intermediate German
10:50 Music Workshop Stage 2Follow-Up
11:00 11:01 Singing Together(William Appleby) 11:00 Music and Movement I(Penny Whittam) 11:00 DiscoveryHuman Biology / The Unseen World / Bridges 11:00 Time and Tunethe toymaker 11:00 Radiovision Repeats - Primary(episodes of 'Junior Science' & 'World History')
11:20 Drama Workshop 11:20 Music Workshop Stage 2December Fair 11:20 Music Workshop Stage 1Don Carlos the Brave 11:20 Man 11:20 Listening and Writing
11:40 Religion in its Contemporary ContextWar / Life / Punishment 11:40 Contemporary History 11:40 British Isles and World StudiesRivers and River Valleys 11:40 Talks for Sixth Forms
14:00 14:00 Springboard 14:00 World HistoryEgypt / Greece / Rome 14:00 Exploration EarthMexico / My Dad's a... / I Come From... 14:00 Living Language 14:00 Let's Join In
14:20 The Music Box(Gordon Reynolds) 14:20 Music Session One 14:20 Books, Plays, Poems 14:20 Poetry Corner 14:20 Radiovision Repeats - Secondary(episodes of 'Religion in its Comtemporary Context', 'Christian Focus', & 'Art and Design')
14:30 14:30 Speak 14:30 Music Workshop Stage 1Follow-Up
14:40 Music, Movement and Mime(Glyn Harris) 14:40 Europe and the WorldEFTA Countries 14:40 The World of WorkLooking Ahead 14:40 Stories and RhymesAccidental Magic
14:45 14:45 NaturePets / Special Shapes / Beaches

Radio 4 Northern Ireland


as London.


as London.


as London.


as London except:

9:55-10:15 Irish History


as London except:

9:55-10:15 Today and Yesterday in Northern Ireland: Legend and History / Occupations

Radio 4 Scotland


as England except:

11:40-12:00 Scotland in the Modern World


as England except:

9:55-10:15 Stories from Scottish History


as England except:

9:05 Talking Points

9:15 Scottish Studies

9:35 Think and Move

9:55-10:15 Exploring Scotland: Trees / The New Home


as England except:

9:05-9:30 Service for Schools (Scotland)

14:40-15:00 Living in Scotland: Opportunities for School Leavers


as England.

Radio 4 Wales


as England except:

11:40-12:00 Dewch i Siarad (Let's Speak)

14:00-14:20 Sain, Cerdd a Chân (Music, Notation and Song)


as England except:

9:30-9:50 Gwasanaeth Crefyddol (Service for Schools in Wales)

9:55-10:15 Y Byd o'n Cwmpas (The World Around Us)

11:00-11:20 Stories From Welsh History


as England except:

11:40-12:00 Ar Grwydr yng Nghymru (Wandering Through Wales)


as England except:

14:40-15:00 Exploring Wales


as England except:

9:05-9:25 Gwasanaeth Crefyddol (Service for Schools in Wales) (rpt)

9:55-10:15 Rhymi a Chân (Rhyme and Song)

11:20-11:40 Ymlaen â Ni (On We Go)

Notes & New Programmes

All BBC radio schools programmes this term ran from Monday 23rd September to Friday 6th December 1968, with a week of half term repeats in the week beginning 28th October.

The summer Olympic Games took place during September in the first few weeks of term and were held in Mexico. Exploration Earth (Radio 4, Wednesdays 2:00pm) seems to have been the only schools programme to take advantage of this, with a short series of programmes about Mexico at the beginning of term.

Looking Ahead (Radio 4, Thursdays 2:40pm) was a new series this term, replacing the long-running The World of Work, but with the same producer and general format. Confusingly (for those of us trying to keep track of the historical schedules!) the autumn term unit was subtitled The World of Work.

The radio series Over to You (Radio 4, Tuesdays 9:55am) was unrelated to the ITV schools programme with the same title, which began in 1974. The BBC radio series consisted of "stories, songs and poems... about past and present" for less able 12 to 14 year olds. The later ITV series was an English miscellany made by ATV for 9 to 11 year olds.

Similarly the Welsh radio series Y Byd o'n Cwmpas (Radio 4 Wales, Tuesdays 9:55am) whose title translates to The World Around Us, was unrelated to the ITV schools programme produced by Thames Television with the same English title (Thames, Tuesdays 2:00pm & Fridays 11:00am).

BBC Television

BBC1 England

09:15 9:15 Middle School Physics (rpt) 9:15 Maths TodayYear 1 (rpt) 9:15 Engineering: Craft and Science (rpt)
9:38 Maths TodayYear 2 9:38 Science Extra: Physics (rpt) 9:38 Primary School Mathematics 9:38 Exploring Your World (rpt) 9:38 Merry Go Round (rpt) 9:38 People of Many Lands (rpt)
10:00 10:00 Merry Go Round 10:00 Discovering ScienceAir / The Earth (rpt) 10:00 History 1917-1967 10:00 Science SessionHealth / Motorbike and Scooter (rpt) 10:00 Maths TodayYear 1 10:00 Middle School PhysicsWaves / Optics (rpt)
10:25 Middle School PhysicsWaves / Optics 10:25 Maths TodayYear 1 (rpt) 10:25 Twentieth Century Focus (rpt) 10:25 Maths TodayYear 2 (rpt) 10:25 Science Extra: Physics (rpt)
11:00 11:00 Discovering ScienceAir / The Earth 11:00 Watch! 11:00 Watch! (rpt)
11:05 Look and ReadBob and Carol look for treasure (rpt) 11:05 Scene (rpt)
11:18 Going To Work (rpt) 11:18 Primary School Mathematics (rpt)
11:35 For Sixth FormsMirror For Our Dreams: The Ways and Meanings of Cinema 11:35 Science Extra: Physics 11:35 Maths TodayYear 2 (rpt) 11:35 Engineering: Craft and Science (rpt)
11:40 Making Music 11:40 History 1917-1967 (rpt)
12:00 12:00 For Sixth FormsMirror For Our Dreams: The Ways and Meanings of Cinema (rpt)
12:05 Engineering: Craft and Science 12:05 Mathematics in ActionStatistics
14:05 Exploring Your WorldThe World of Movement 14:05 Look and ReadBob and Carol look for treasure 14:05 Science SessionHealth / Motorbike and Scooter 14:05 Scene 14:05 Making Music (rpt)
14:30 14:30 Going To Work 14:30 Twentieth Century Focus (rpt)
14:55 People of Many LandsThe Caribbean / Republic of Ireland / New Zealand / Scandinavia
15:20 Twentieth Century Focus

BBC1 Northern Ireland


as England.


as England.


as England plus:

10:25-10:45 Ulster in Focus


as England plus:

14:30-14:50 Ulster in Focus (rpt)


as England.

BBC1 Scotland


as England.


as England.


as England except:

14:30-14:50 Modern Studies


as England plus:

14:30-14:50 Around Scotland


as England except:

10:25-10:45 Around Scotland (rpt)

11:35-11:55 Modern Studies (rpt)

BBC1 Wales


as England.


as England.


as England plus:

10:25-10:45 Dysgu Cymraeg (Learning Welsh) / Gwlad a Thref (Country and Town) (fortnightly)


as England plus: 14:30-14:50 Dysgu Cymraeg / Gwlad a Thref (fortnightly) (rpt)


as England.

Notes & New Programmes

Most BBC television schools programmes this term ran from Monday 23rd September to Friday 6th December 1968, with a week of half term repeats in the week beginning 28th October.

Several of the fortnightly series for secondary schools - Science Extra: Physics, Maths Today and Middle School Physics - continued in the week beginning 9th December, as did the two series specifically for colleges of further education - Twentieth Century Focus and Engineering: Craft and Science. They were joined during that extra week of transmissions by four documentary films selected from the BBC's evening output over the previous three years and repeated without any adjustments for the school audience (except that the 1965 documentary 1940 was shown in two parts over two days). These were billed to teachers as Ace Documentaries.

Engineering: Craft and Science was first shown on BBC 2 at 7:10pm on Thursdays in the week before its three transmissions for colleges on BBC 1. The BBC 2 broadcast was in colour, and as well as being available to a general audience this allowed lecturers to preview the programmes.

The series For Sixth Forms (BBC 1, Mondays 11:35am & Wednesdays 12:00noon) looked at cinema this term and for eight weeks it focused on particular films. It was hoped that "many of the main films under consideration in the series will be transmitted in full on BBC Television during the Autumn Term. (...) attention should be paid to the Radio Times for details of their transmission from mid-September onwards." All but one of the films were shown as part of the main BBC1 and BBC2 schedules (as far as I can tell), generally over the weekend prior to the transmission of For Sixth Forms, and these film broadcasts could be sort-of counted as schools programmes too. The films and their eventual transmissions on the BBC were...

  • The Manchunian Candidate (1962) - BBC 1, 29th September 1968 at 8:15pm
  • Pick Up on South Street (1953) - BBC 2 "midnight movie", 5th October 1968 at 11:30pm
  • I Was a Male War Bride (You Can't Sleep Here) (1949) - not broadcast as far as I know
  • The Far Country (1954) - BBC 2 "midnight movie", 19th October 1968 at 10:40pm
  • In a Lonely Place (1949) - BBC 2 "midnight movie", 2nd November 1968 at 11:45pm
  • Wild River (1960) - BBC 2 "midnight movie", 9th-10th November 1968 at midnight
  • It Shouldn't Happen to You (1954) - BBC 1, 17th November 1968 at 12:50pm
  • Days of Wine and Roses (1962) - BBC 1, 19th January 1969 at 8:15pm (this may have been replaced with a different film for For Sixth Forms)[1]

Independent Television

Schools programmes on ITV.

Thames Television, London

11:00 11:00 How We Used To LiveSeries 1 11:00 I Am An Engineer (rpt) 11:00 What's It All About (rpt) 11:00 The World Around Us (rpt) 11:00 Materials of Our World (rpt)
11:03 Seeing and Doing
11:22 Finding Out (rpt) 11:22 Primary French (rpt)
11:23 Your Money, Your Life 11:23 Picture Box
11:30 11:30 Conflict
11:35 Drama (rpt)
11:40 Fifty Years 11:42 Le Voyage du Jéricho
11:45 11:45 Towards Mathematics
13:40 Finding Out 13:40 Seeing and Doing (rpt) 13:40 Picture Box (rpt) 13:40 How We Used To Live (rpt)Series 1
13:45 13:45 Primary French (rpt)
14:00 14:00 What's It All About 14:00 Your Money, Your Life (rpt) 14:00 The World Around Us 14:00 Materials of Our World 14:00 Le Voyage du Jéricho (rpt)
14:05 Ici La France
14:25 I Am An Engineer 14:23 Primary French 14:23 Towards Mathematics (rpt)
14:30 14:28 Primary French 14:30 Conflict (rpt)
14:35 Drama
14:40 For and Against

ATV Midlands


as London plus:

14:40 - 15:00 Ici La France


as London.


as London, but excluding Le Voyage du Jéricho


as London.


as London

(Ici La France is a repeat of Monday)

Yorkshire Television


as Midlands.


as Midlands.


as Midlands.


as Midlands.


as Midlands except:

14:30 For and Against (rpt)

Tyne Tees Television


as London plus:

10:40-10:55 Money Matters


as London.


as London plus:

10:40-10:55 Money Matters (rpt)


as London.


as London plus:

10:00 Living and Growing

Harlech Television

Wales and the West of England.


as Midlands.


as London.


as London.


as London.


as Midlands.

other regions

The regional schedules were fairly standard this term, with only a few variations. The only ITV schools programme from this term not included in the lists above was a local series on Scottish Television (I don't know which series)[2].

The only other major variation was the Monday transmission of Ici La France, originated by ATV Midlands. I believe this was taken by Granada and Westward Television, in addition to the broadcasts listed above. It was not taken by Anglia, Southern or Grampian Television.

Border Television did not show any schools programmes in the morning - they only showed the roughly 1 hour's worth of programmes each afternoon, and they also did not take the afternoon repeat of Primary French on Tuesdays for some reason.[3].

Notes & New Programmes

Schools programmes on ITV ran from Monday 23rd September to Friday 6th December 1968. The week beginning 28th October consisted of "half-term repeats of last week's programmes" so there were 10 weeks' worth of programmes altogether. During the week beginning 30th September coverage of the Labour Party Conference was shown before, between and after the schools programmes, but no programmes were displaced.

The programmes which shared a timeslot were scheduled on a weekly alternating basis. So in the first week The World Around Us was shown on Wednesday and repeated on Friday, then in the second week Materials of Our World was shown on Wednesday and repeated on Friday.

Franchise Changes

This was the first school term under the 'second generation' of ITV broadcasters. In July 1968 Yorkshire Television was inaugurated to broadcast to the north-east of England (Granada had previously broadcast to all of the north of England but now retreated to the north-west only). From the outset they produced schools programmes, overseen by Enid Love, the former head of schools television for both the BBC and Associated-Rediffusion. Their first production for schools was one of the most long-lasting and successful schools programmes of all time - How We Used To Live was to run for 33 years.

Thames Television was also newly introduced as the broadcaster to London on weekdays in July 1968, replacing Rediffusion. Thames took over Rediffusion's very successful schools department "as a complete working unit", staff and programmes included[4] so both Finding Out and The World Around Us, which had previously been made by Rediffusion, continued without interruption but now made by Thames.

Television Wales and the West also ceased broadcasting early in 1968 as a result of the changes to ITV broadcasters. They had introduced one schools programme in Welsh, Arwyr Ein Hanes (Heroes of Our History) from autumn 1967[5] which was lost when the company ceased broadcasting. When the new broadcaster for Wales and the west of England, Harlech Television or HTV, finally began later in 1968, they did not immediately offer any of their own schools programmes. They did introduce an infants series, Storiau'r Byd (Stories of the World) in the following year[6] and followed this up in the 1970s with other Welsh-language schools programmes and an impressive array of in-service programmes for teachers, they were also the first UK home for the American series Sesame Street at Easter 1971... but none of that applies to the term covered by this page!

Out of School

The entire 1968-69 school year had been previewed in a series of Out of School programmes in the Easter holidays 1968.

  • Tuesday 16th April: various previews, then full episodes of Picture Box (presented by Granada Television), Finding Out (Rediffusion) and The World Around Us (Rediffusion)
  • Wednesday 17th April: various previews, then full episodes of You and the World (Rediffusion), Ways with Words (Rediffusion) and The Messengers (Granada)
  • Thursday 18th April: various previews, then full episodes of Ici La France (ATV), Primary French (ATV) and Conflict (ATV)
  • Friday 19th April: various previews, then full episodes of How We Used To Live (Yorkshire), I Am An Engineer (Yorkshire), Your Money, Your Life (Granada), and Men of Our Time (Granada).

Those previews of Yorkshire Television's new schools programmes on 19th April were the very first Yorkshire Television productions ever shown on British television[7].

ILEA Television

The cable television service run by the Inner London Education Authority was formally launched this term and the first transmissions to schools took place on Monday 16th September.

Programmes shown during the first year included Parlons Français and Looking at London for primary school children, and You on Your Own for school leavers. There were also several series aimed at teachers and a fortnightly programme of news from the Authority.

The programmes were all shown on one channel, between 10:00 and 19:30, with multiple repeats to accommodate different school timetables. For this first term the programmes were transmitted to about 300 schools in the Islington, Hackney and Tower Hamlets areas of London.

The ILEA television service survived for almost a decade, finally being withdrawn around 1977 when the Authority diverted its attention to distributing programmes on video cassette instead of direct broadcasting.

Local cable television transmissions for schools in Glasgow, which had begun earlier in the 1960s, continued this term as far as I know.

Sources & References

  • BBC Broadcasts to Schools - (former) BBC library collection of all publications for autumn 1968, including pupils' pamphlets, teacher's notes, wallcharts and general audience pamphlets
  • Carlton, Susan 'Educational Television' (on the ILEA service) in Visual Education, October 1968 pp.6-7
  • ITV (1968) 'Autumn Term Independent Television Programmes for Schools', an advertisement carried in New Education August/September 1968 p.31
  • Langham, Josephine (1990) Teachers and Television: A History of the IBA's Educational Fellowship Scheme. London: John Libbey
  • Radio Times (London Edition) television & radio listings, 1968, issued on microfilm
  • Radio Times (Midland Edition) television & radio listings, 1968
  • Taylor, Dennis 'Schools TV for London' in The Times, 13 September 1968 p.2 col. G.
  • The Times television listings, 1968, via The Times Digital Archive
  • TV Times Harlech Edition television listings - 5/10/1968
  • TV Times London Edition television listings, 1968, via TV Times Project database
  • TV Times Midland Edition television listings, 1968
  • TV Times Tyne Tees Edition television listings - 21/09/1968 & 28/09/1968
  • TV Times Yorkshire Edition television listings - 19/10/1968
  • Weltman, Joseph (1978) 21 Years of Independent Television for Schools, 1957 to 1978 as published with Independent Broadcasting no 16, May 1978, London: IBA
  • with thanks to Trevor Wells
  1. Details of the films involved in For Sixth Forms from the pupils' pamphlet to that series, autumn 1968. Details of BBC transmissions gleaned from quick searches of The Times Digital Archive.
  2. "Extra local series will also be shown in Scotland and the North-East of England" according to ITV (1968). The series for the North-East of England was Money Matters, listed in the schedule for Tyne Tees Television.
  3. The list of regions taking the Monday transmission of Ici La France is based on the timing of school programmes listed in the regional variations of the Midland, Tyne Tees, Yorkshire and Harlech editions of the TV Times. The list is not complete as there were other ITV regions outside the scope of those magazines! The Primary French pamphlet for autumn 1968 confirmed that the repeats were not taken by Border, and the timing of Border's schools programmes was given in regional variations in the Yorkshire edition TV Times.
  4. "Arrangements were thus made for the newly-created weekday London company, Thames Television, to take over, as a complete working unit, Rediffusion's schools department with its staff of able, experienced and committed producers, directors and education officers" according to Weltman (1978) p.16
  5. Weltman (1978) p.16 refers briefly to Arwyr Ein Hanes, and it was previewed in a short report titled 'Welsh Schools Television Conference' in Visual Education March 1967, page 32.
  6. Storiau'r Byd was the subject of an IBA Schoolteacher Fellowship report in 1970, by Eirwen Shelbourne, which is summarised in Langham (1990) p.324.
  7. The bold assertion that "those previews of Yorkshire Television's new schools programmes on 19th April were the very first Yorkshire Television productions ever shown on British television" is mainly based on searches of the TV Times Project database and flicking through the Midland Edition TV Times, and just common sense. I also asked about it on the Mausoleum Club online forum but the esteemed members were too busy talking about their favourite makes of car to pay much attention. I'm pretty sure it's correct.