Summing It Up

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started19th Sep 1961
ended17th Jun 1963
2 school years
duration13 mins
age rangeAge 9-11
languageenIn English
ITV junior mathsNext series: Primary Mathematics HierarchyNext.gif

Summing It Up is an ITV schools TV series from the 1960s, covering Mathematics for primary school pupils.

Responding to the trend, firmly in place by the early 1960s, of teaching mathematics to junior children by practical experience and application rather than arithmetic drills, this series demonstrated basic mathematical ideas and also their real-world usage.

Summing It Up was partly recorded on location at two "go-ahead" London primary schools: the De Lucy Junior School and Eliot Bank Primary School[1]. Children were shown investigating things in the classroom, but as the series went on emphasis was increasingly placed on showing experiences which were out of reach of the everyday classroom, for example investigating Time and Distance in a British Rail Line Traffic Manager's Office, and reading gas and electricity meters. Teachers were encouraged to reproduce the more simple demonstrations - such as pendulum work - in the classroom after the programmes.

The series took a particular interest in the history of mathematics, to explain why counting and calculating have become so important to mankind, and to interest pupils in the development of standard measures. At the end of each term the programmes took a light-hearted turn, with a revision quiz just before Christmas 1961, and a look at puzzles and conundrums just before Easter.

In the series' second year, 1962-3, all of the original autumn term programmes were dropped, replaced by 10 new programmes interspersed throughout the year. The remaining 16 programmes from the first year were repeated, but in a different order.

Preview from the 1962-3 annual programme guide

This was just the second mathematics series on ITV (following 1957's World of Figures). It came to an end after two full school years on the air and was not immediately replaced. But in 1964 a new series called Primary Mathematics was introduced, for the same age group and also produced by ATV in Birmingham.


# Title Broadcast
1. Why Maths? 19 Sep 1961
2. Recording Through History Part 1 26 Sep 1961
3. Recording Through History Part 2 3 Oct 1961
4. Numbers and Magnitude: The Ordinal Use of Numbers 10 Oct 1961
5. The Abacus 17 Oct 1961
6. Observing and Recording Part 1: The Weather 24 Oct 1961
7. How Long? How High? 7 Nov 1961
8. Observing and Recording Part 2: Time and Traffic 14 Nov 1961
9. Numbers and Magnitude: The Larger Numbers 21 Nov 1961
10. Quiz Day 28 Nov 1961
11. The Operation of Maths 16 Jan 1962
12. The History of Length Measurement 23 Jan 1962
13. The History of Weight Measurement 30 Jan 1962
14. Measurement and Scale 6 Feb 1962
15. Money: The Tuck Shop 13 Feb 1962
16. Money: The Bank 20 Feb 1962
17. Looking at Shape 6 Mar 1962
18. Experiment with Shape 13 Mar 1962
19. Observing and Recording Part 3: Volume and Displacement 20 Mar 1962
20. Fun with Numbers and Shape 27 Mar 1962
21. Reading Meters 1 May 1962
22. How Near? 8 May 1962
23. Pi 15 May 1962
24. Maps and Scales 22 May 1962
25. Time and Distance 29 May 1962
26. Time and Swing 19 Jun 1962
27. Have We Got Time? 17 Sep 1962
28. Numbers Around Us 24 Sep 1962
29. Special Investigations 1 Oct 1962
30. What is a Million? 8 Oct 1962
31. Symmetry 19 Nov 1962
32. Sizing It Up 21 Jan 1963
33. Probability 4 Feb 1963
34. Maths and Models 25 Mar 1963
35. Introducing Graphs 6 May 1963
36. Music and Maths 17 Jun 1963


Introduced by Peter Lloyd
Commentary Dick Graham (1961)

Peter Cockburn (1962-1963)

Programme Adviser John S. Flavell
Script by Ian Kellie
Director David Scott
Producer Donald Carter
An ATV Network Production


Teacher's notes, autumn 1961
The series was accompanied by the standard ITV schools fare of a single booklet of notes for teachers. The booklets were 16 pages long in the spring and autumn terms, 12 pages long in the summer, printed in red and black, and including several black and white photographs showing maths investigations in progress.

The front cover design shows the words Summing It Up arranged on an abacus. It is possible that this was also the title design shown on screen, but I have not seen any episodes of this series so I'm not sure.

Sources & References

  • A-R (1961) Associated-Rediffusion Programmes for Schools 1961/62. London: Associated-Rediffusion p.10
  • A-R (1962) Associated-Rediffusion London Region Programmes for Schools 1962-1963. London: Associated-Rediffusion p.7
  • ATV (1961) Summing It Up teacher's notes autumn 1961. Birmingham: Associated Television Ltd Education Dept.
  • ATV (1962a) Summing It Up teacher's notes spring 1962. Birmingham: Associated Television Ltd Education Dept.
  • ATV (1962b) Summing It Up teacher's notes summer 1962. Birmingham: Associated Television Ltd Education Dept.
  • 'Independent Television and Education', advertisement appearing in The Times, 18th September 1961, p.9 col.A
  • TV Times (1961) 'Schools: ITV Starts a Great New Term' in TV Times (Midland Edition) no. 307, 15th September 1961
  • TV Times (London region) television listings, 1961-3 via TV Times Project database
  1. TV Times (1961) noted that the series was "recorded at two go-ahead London primary schools by an outside broadcast unit." The schools were named in the autumn and spring term teacher's notes, page 2 and 9 respectively.


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