Mathematical Eye

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started21st Sep 1988
ended12th Feb 1993
last rpt24th Mar 1994
6 school years
duration20 mins
age rangeAge 11-13
languageenIn English

Mathematical Eye is an ITV schools TV series from the 1980s and 1990s, covering Mathematics for secondary school pupils.

A practical mathematics series encouraging children to look at the world with a "mathematical eye" - in other words to see the application of maths in real-world situations.

The series presented film of mathematical problems, and then showed children in the classroom working on solving the problems - such as how much space one person needs on a beach (Area and Volume), where to put the stagger lines on an athletics track (Circles), and how much concrete is needed for a driveway (Measurement).

The Decimals episode featured the adventures of Joe Decimal - not a private eye but a Mathematical Eye - whose clients suffer from "decimal blindness" and other place-value related problems.

Episodes added to the series in later years such as Paper Engineering and Fun and Games were meant to extend the excitement of maths for pupils.

The series was designed for video recording and showing to pupils in chunks. Each episode was split into four sections, with the commentary bringing up a question for children to investigate at the end of each part.


# Title Broadcast
1. Circles 21 Sep 1988
2. Decimals 28 Sep 1988
3. Lines and Networks 5 Oct 1988
4. Maps and Co-ordinates 12 Oct 1988
5. Measurement 19 Oct 1988
6. Near Enough 2 Nov 1988
7. Fibonacci and Prime Numbers 9 Nov 1988
8. Triangle and Square Numbers 16 Nov 1988
9. Statistics 23 Nov 1988
10. Working Things Out 30 Nov 1988
11. Area and Volume 19 Jan 1990
12. Equations and Formulae 26 Jan 1990
13. Fractions and Percentages 2 Feb 1990
14. Graphs 9 Feb 1990
15. Logic and Problem-Solving 16 Feb 1990
16. Numbers 2 Mar 1990
17. Probability 9 Mar 1990
18. Ratio and Scale 16 Mar 1990
19. Shapes and Angles 23 Mar 1990
20. Symmetry 30 Mar 1990
21. Number Patterns 1: Odd, Even and Prime 11 Oct 1991
22. Number Patterns 2: Triangles and Squares 18 Oct 1991
23. Number Patterns 3: Fibonacci and Others 1 Nov 1991
24. Codes 22 Nov 1991
25. Paper Engineering 9 Oct 1992
26. Calculating 16 Oct 1992
27. Fun and Games 23 Oct 1992
28. Information Technology 12 Feb 1993


Narrator Ruth Pitt
Series adviser Phil Gauron
Director Michael Cocker

Colin Nobbs

Written and produced by Adam Hart-Davis


Teacher's notes
Investigations pack

Each term's programmes were accompanied by an A4 booklet of teacher's notes and a pack of pupil investigation sheets.

The notes gave lists of the themes covered in each programme, ideas for discussing each film item in the classroom, and details of the investigation sheets. The sheets were sold separately as an Investigations Pack at £3 for a set of 10 double-sided sheets.

The teacher's notes and pupils' investigations pack were written by Phil Gauron, Steve Guild, Alan Hornby and Liz Meenan.

A set of four computer programs, supporting the investigations from the first 10 programmes, was released in early 1989 at £11.50 each or £40.25 for all four. The programs were Mountain Rescue, Codecracker, Fooled by Numbers and Busroute.

A 128-page full-colour book written by Adam Hart-Davis was released to the general public through bookshops in 1989. The book follows the structure of the first 10 television programmes and was designed to be used in conjunction with the TV series. ISBN 0 044 48043 1 Search eBay listings Buy from Amazon

Sources & References

  • ITN Source archive catalogue
  • ITV Schools termly wallcharts, 1992-1993
  • Times Educational Supplement television listings, 1991-1994
  • Yorkshire Television (1988) Mathematical Eye Autumn term 1988 teacher's notes. Leeds: Yorkshire Television
  • Yorkshire Television (1990a) Mathematical Eye Spring term 1990 teacher's notes. Leeds: Yorkshire Television
  • Yorkshire Television (1990b) Mathematical Eye Autumn term 1990 teacher's notes. Leeds: Yorkshire Television
  • Yorkshire Television (1991a) Mathematical Eye Spring term 1991 teacher's notes. Leeds: Yorkshire Television
  • Yorkshire Television (1991b) Mathematical Eye Autumn term 1991 teacher's notes. Leeds: Yorkshire Television
  • Yorkshire Television (1992) Mathematical Eye Spring term 1992 teacher's notes. Leeds: Yorkshire Television
  • with thanks to Robin Carmody

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