Scene: Breaking the Code

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started14th Feb 1997
ended7th Mar 1997
1 school year
duration30 mins
subject ⚖️Citizenship
age rangeAge 13-16
languageenIn English
Scene Breaking the Code.jpg
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Breaking the Code is a unit of the BBC schools TV series Scene from the 1990s, covering citizenship for secondary school pupils.

Originally broadcast as a 90-minute film in the evening on 5th February 1997, edited into three-parts for the broadcast on Scene a few weeks later.

==From the teacher's notes==

"This is a play about two types of code - the Enigma code and the Social code - both of which Alan Turing breaks. Study of the play should focus on these two codes, and how they are represented in parallel. Between then, the two codes create a tragic inevitability - the more Turing is indispensable to the state, the more his personal relationships and behaviour become a potential threat." - Scene teacher's notes spring 1997 p.33.


Written by Hugh Whitemore




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