1798 and After

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started27th Feb 1998
ended27th Mar 1998
last rpt29th Nov 2000
4 school years
duration20 mins
subject 🏛️History
age rangeAge 11-13
languageenIn English
1798 and After title.jpg

1798 and After is a Channel 4 schools TV series from the 1990s and 2000s, covering history for secondary school pupils.

An Irish History series moving from the Battle of the Boyne to the birth of the Irish Free State, but focussing largely on the Nineteenth Century, and the causes and impact of the 1798 Rebellion.

A presenter links sources including music and song, actors, filmed reconstructions, and picture histories of some of the individuals involved.

The series linked to Study Unit 3: Union to Partition of the Northern Ireland Programme of Study for History for KS3.


# Title Broadcast
1. The United Irishmen #1998-02-27-00-00-0027 Feb 1998
2. The Liberator #1998-03-06-00-00-006 Mar 1998
3. The Great Famine #1998-03-13-00-00-0013 Mar 1998
4. Linen Mills and Shipyards #1998-03-20-00-00-0020 Mar 1998
5. The Ulster Crisis #1998-03-27-00-00-0027 Mar 1998


Consultant Jonathan Bardon
Executive producer David Hammond

Catherine Gifford
Neil Martin

Director Isaebal MacIver


Teacher's notes were delivered online as 'Net Notes' on the Channel 4 website. (archived 2009)

Two published children's books were advertised by Channel 4 as pupil's books to accompany the series.

The series was also released on a video cassette for schools to buy for £19.99.

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