Scene: To Stand and Stare

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started13th Feb 1975
last rpt11th May 1979
5 school years
duration20 mins
subject ⚖️Citizenship
age rangeAge 13-16
languageenIn English
SceneHierarchyPrevious.gifPrevious unit: A Different Sort of Family Next unit: James Is Our Brother HierarchyNext.gif
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To Stand and Stare is an episode of the BBC schools TV series Scene from the 1970s, covering citizenship for secondary school pupils.

A drama-documentary about the 'Super Tramp' W. H. Davies, who became a famous poet at the start of the 20th Century. Will Davies is played by Ken Jones, who would go on to write a play for Scene the following year.

==From the teacher's notes==

"The aim of the programme is to encourage pupils to see poetry not as the interest of the cultivated few, but in this case as a lively, often moving record of the experiences of one man who lived as a teamp among the poorest people." - Scene teacher's notes spring 1975 p.13.



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