Music for Dance

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started20th Sep 1995
ended30th Jun 2011
last rpt2nd Dec 2011
17 school years
duration15 mins
subject 👯‍♀️MovementDance
age rangeAge 7-9 & Age 9-11
languageenIn English

Music for Dance is a BBC schools radio series from the 1990s, 2000s and 2010s, covering Dance for primary school pupils.


# Title Broadcast
1. Folk Dance 21 Sep 1995
2. Cycle of Nature 21 Sep 1995
3. Destruction of the Rainforest 28 Sep 1995
The Elements
4. Fire 28 Sep 1995
5. A Christmas Carol (Scrooge) 5 Oct 1995
The Elements
6. The Water Cycle 5 Oct 1995
7. Voyage and Storm 12 Oct 1995
8. Earth (Volcano) 12 Oct 1995
9. Air (Daedalus and Icarus) 19 Oct 1995
10. Winter Weather 19 Oct 1995
11. Caribbean Carnival 18 Jan 1996
12. South American Carnival 18 Jan 1996
13. Landscapes 25 Jan 1996
14. Safari 25 Jan 1996
15. Space 1 Feb 1996
16. Technology 1 Feb 1996
17. Forces 8 Feb 1996
18. Power 8 Feb 1996
19. Street Games 15 Feb 1996
20. Street Life 15 Feb 1996
Ancient Egypt
21. The Civilisation of Ancient Egypt 18 Apr 1996
22. Ancient Greek Gods and Myths 18 Apr 1996
23. Football and Fitness 25 Apr 1996
24. Olympic Sports and Athletics 25 Apr 1996
World War II
25. Announcement and Outbreak of War 2 May 1996
26. Evacuation, Blitz and VE Day 2 May 1996
27. Mythical Magic 9 May 1996
28. Historical Hits from the 20th Century 9 May 1996
Historical Dance
29. The Tudors 19 Jan 2000
30. The Victorians 26 Jan 2000
31. The 1930s and 40s 2 Feb 2000
32. The 1960s and 70s 9 Feb 2000
Cultural Dance
33. British Folk Dance 16 Feb 2000
34. Asian Dance 1 Mar 2000
35. Greek Dance 8 Mar 2000
36. South American Dance 15 Mar 2000
Celebration Dance
37. Celebrate the Past 22 Mar 2000
38. Celebrate the Future 29 Mar 2000
39. The Romans 28 Apr 2009
40. The Vikings 5 May 2009
41. Walking on the Moon 12 May 2009
Moving Image
42. Silver Screen 19 May 2009
43. Spies and Super Sleuths 2 Jun 2009
44. Gaming on the Web 9 Jun 2009
Street Dance
45. Street Dance 1 16 Jun 2009
46. Street Dance 2 23 Jun 2009
47. Old Meets New 5 May 2011
48. Manga Mania 12 May 2011
49. Natural Wonders 19 May 2011
50. Surf City 26 May 2011
51. Spirit of the Age 9 Jun 2011
52. Maiden Voyage 16 Jun 2011
2012 Olympics
53. London Calling 23 Jun 2011
54. Athletes Compete 30 Jun 2011

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