Middle English

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started22nd Sep 1981
ended17th Oct 2001
last rpt19th Mar 2004
23 school years
duration15 mins, 20 mins, 30 mins, 80 mins, 85 mins & 90 mins
age rangeAge 9-11 & Age 11-13
languageenIn English

Middle English is an ITV and later Channel 4 schools TV series from the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, covering Language, Literature, Drama, Poetry, Books and Media for primary and secondary school pupils.

  • parent series for all of Thames TV's (and later Channel 4 Schools') English programmes for the middle years of school, including documentaries on writers, the media and language skills, poetry programmes and regular, serialised dramas
  • replaced Writers' Workshop and About Books, and included repeats from both series in its first year
  • despite the series title, Middle English was on air for over a decade before it offered a programme on Chaucer and mentioned the Middle English language in spring 1992


  • there was also dramatised content in other episodes, for example the Crime Story episode from autumn 1983, a documentary about Nina Bawden, included dramatised extracts from the author's novel The Robbers, the Short Stories: Storehouse II episode from autumn 1988 covered the winning entries in a children's short story competition held the previous year, with enacted or animated productions of the stories, and the Knowledge About Language episode on Chaucer in spring 1992 included a children's enactment of The Pardoner's Tale

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