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started10th Jan 1989
ended7th Feb 1989
last rpt17th May 1994
6 school years
duration10 mins
age rangeAge 13-16
languageenIn English

Mathspy is a BBC schools TV series from the 1980s and 1990s, covering Mathematics for secondary school pupils.

A thrilling comedy spy serial in ten episodes. Simple spy Q7, aka Rick, stumbles upon an operation being run by the efficient Q5, aka Sam, to find the Factor, a dastardly enemy who is selling spy secrets. As they investigate Rick and Sam face mathematical challenges involving secret codes, card games, safe breaking, and dead drops.

At the end of each episode the characters are faced with a problem. At the beginning of the following episode they have solved the problem, but viewers do not see exactly how they solved it - that is left for pupils to work out themselves in between episodes, using worksheets which are identical to the ones handled by the characters on TV.

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