Le Nouvel Arrivé

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started21st Apr 1975
ended16th Jun 1975
last rpt23rd Jun 1977(as part of French Studies)
3 school years
duration20 mins
age rangeAge 13-16
languageen/frIn English & In French
ITV French DramaHierarchyPrevious.gifPrevious series: Le Butin de Colombert Next series: Samba et Bouboune Menent L'Enquete HierarchyNext.gif

Le Nouvel Arrivé is an English and French-language ITV schools TV series from the 1970s, covering French Language for secondary school pupils.

A series designed to bolster the confidence of teenage French students, by showing the adventures of a 16-year-old English boy called Stephen Weatherseed, visiting France for the first time and going to stay with Eymery family in Grenoble.

Stephen speaks French with an English accent and does not use a very advanced vocabulary, so that viewers who are unsure of their French are not put off. He also narrates the episodes in English. His adventures are of the domestic and sight-seeing variety and perhaps typical of what any young English visitor to France might get up to, and give viewers a taste of French life as well as the French language.

All eight episodes of the series were shown in 1975 and 1976. Four of them (episodes 1, 2, 6 & 7) were shown again in 1977 as part of Thames Television's new umbrella French-language series French Studies.


# Title Broadcast
1. L'arrivée 21 Apr 1975
2. La ville 28 Apr 1975
3. Une question de langue 5 May 1975
4. L'usine 12 May 1975
5. L'excursion 19 May 1975
6. La France historique 2 Jun 1975
7. En montagne 9 Jun 1975
8. Souvenirs 16 Jun 1975


Education adviser Brian Hill
Director Tony Davenall
Producer Ian Martin


These broadcast times are for the Thames Television region, where the series originated.


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