English Resources (1986)

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startedJan 1986
ended23rd Sep 1988
4 school years
duration20 mins
subject 📚English
age rangeAge 16-19
languageenIn English

English Resources (1986) is a BBC schools radio series from the 1980s, covering English for further education students.

  • originally a radiovision series
  • split into four separate broadcasts (at different points in the year) in 1987-88:
    • English Resources 1 - plays on topical subjects
    • English Resources 2: People Speaking - extracts of old programmes to help with oral communication
    • English Resources 2: Introducing... - about books "with an ethnic background", for pupils who are choosing novels for GCSE English
    • English Resources 3 - radiovision programmes about well-known authors, like the original programmes from 1986
  • a different series called English Resources for younger pupils began in 1991


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