Drama (ITV)
From Broadcast for Schools.co.uk.co.uk
companyAssociated-Rediffusion & Thames
started22nd Jan
ended2nd Dec
last rpt7th Feb
16 school years
duration25 mins & 30 mins
languageenIn English
Drama (ITV) is an ITV schools TV series from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, covering Drama for secondary school pupils.
- Spring 1960: The Terrible Choice
- Summer 1960: Played Upon a Stage (including She Stoops to Conquer and Preparing a Play)
- Spring 1961: The Angry Gods (including the Orestia and The Winter's Tale)
- Summer 1961: Arms and the Man (including Arms and the Man and Preparing a Play)
- Autumn 1962: Romeo and Juliet
- Spring 1963: The Angry Gods repeat (including the Orestia) and Theatres and Temples (including Medea)
- Autumn 1963: The Dread Command repeat (Hamlet)
- Spring 1964: She Stoops to Conquer repeat (from Played Upon a Stage) and The Playboy of the Western World
- Autumn 1964: Romeo and Juliet and Theatres and Temples (including Medea) repeats
- Autumn 1966: Preparing a Play (including a theatre production of Twelfth Night and the television play A Change of Climate)
- Spring 1968: Mysteries and Miracles repeat and The Mock Doctor
- Autumn 1968: Preparing a Play (repeat of the episodes concerning the television play A Change of Climate) and World Theatre
- Spring 1970: Marching Song (including other related plays)
- Autumn 1970: Preparing a Play repeat (Twelfth Night programmes only) and Macbeth
- Autumn 1971: Marching Song (and other related plays) repeat
- Spring 1973: Marching Song (only the play) repeat
- after 1973 the Drama title was no longer used, but new productions of King Lear and Romeo and Juliet were broadcast, with accompanying programmes under the title Reflections
- from 1976 Thames TV's drama programmes for secondary schools were incorporated into The English Programme
Related programmes
- Drama (BBC)A similar anthology of drama productions from the BBC
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