Cho Luath 's a Ghabhas

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started25th Jan 2002
ended24th Nov 2005
last rpt31st Mar 2013
12 school years
duration15 mins
subject 📐Mathematics
age rangeAge 9-11 & Age 11-13

Cho Luath 's a Ghabhas is a Scottish Gaelic-language BBC schools radio series from the 2000s, covering maths for primary and secondary school pupils.

Gaelic-language mental maths series, broadcast only in Scotland on Radio Nan Gaidheal. Each episode begins with a mental maths quiz for which listeners need pencil and paper to write down and check their answers, and then the presenters Bella and Paul go through situations where pupils may have to use their mental maths skills.


# Title Broadcast Online
1. Iomadachadh #2002-01-25-00-00-0025 Jan 2002
2. Roinn #2002-02-01-00-00-001 Feb 2002
3. Cur-ris is toirt air falbh (Ă ireamh a-naoi) #2002-02-08-00-00-008 Feb 2002
4. Cur-ris is toirt air falbh (Ă ireamhan slĂ n, dĂ  fhigearach) #2002-02-15-00-00-0015 Feb 2002
5. Cur-ris coiliontach #2002-02-22-00-00-0022 Feb 2002
6. Luachadh chun an deich is fhaisg #2002-03-01-00-00-001 Mar 2002
7. Ag obair le Ă ireamhan Ă rda #2002-03-08-00-00-008 Mar 2002
8. Ag obair le neonidhean #2002-03-15-00-00-0015 Mar 2002
9. A' roinneadh le deicheamhan is ceudamhan #2002-03-22-00-00-0022 Mar 2002
10. Bloighean co-ionnan #2002-03-29-00-00-0029 Mar 2002
11. Deicheadan (cuir-ris, toirt-air-falbh, a' cruinneachadh) #2005-09-15-00-00-0015 Sep 2005
12. Àireamhan nas motha na 999 #2005-09-22-00-00-0022 Sep 2005
13. PrĂŹomh Ă ireamhan & factaran #2005-09-29-00-00-0029 Sep 2005
14. Bloighean co-ionann #2005-10-06-00-00-006 Oct 2005
15. Ceudadan #2005-10-13-00-00-0013 Oct 2005
16. Cumadh, suidheachadh & gluasad #2005-10-27-00-00-0027 Oct 2005
17. Iomadachadh & roinneadh le clĂ r nan uireadan gu deich #2005-11-03-00-00-003 Nov 2005
18. Co-phĂ irtean #2005-11-10-00-00-0010 Nov 2005
19. Gleoc 24-uarach & 12-uarach #2005-11-17-00-00-0017 Nov 2005
20. A' tomhais - farsaingeachd, cuairt-thomhas, tomhas-lĂŹonaidh #2005-11-24-00-00-0024 Nov 2005



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