Alive and Kicking: Series 2 (1980)

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started22nd Apr 1980
ended17th Jun 1980
last rpt23rd May 1985
6 school years
duration15 mins
subject ⚖️CitizenshipPSHE
age rangeAge 6-7Age 5-7
languageenIn English

Alive and KickingHierarchyPrevious.gifPrevious unit: Series 1 (1977)Next unit: Series 3 (1983)HierarchyNext.gif

Series 2 (1980) of the ITV Schools series Alive and Kicking was broadcast in the 1980s, covering PSHE for primary school pupils.

The second series of Alive and Kicking shows children's experiences in different everyday situations at school and with their families, with the children themselves narrating to explain what they did and how it made them feel.

Some of the same children re-appear in different episodes as different things happen to them, including Michael, Mark, Harjit, Wayne and Natalie, some of whom are a little older than the target audience of 6-7 year-olds.

Mark doesn't get an invitation from Michael

The first episode, on Feelings, in which Michael invites some but not all of the children in his school class on a birthday outing to Drayton Manor Park, forms the basis for the whole series and introduces topics which are explored again in more detail in the later episodes.

This second series completely replaced the first series of Alive and Kicking from three years earlier, but it was not itself replaced. The third series, added another three years later, provided complementary programmes adding to the topic of each of these episodes and shown alongside them.

Titles & Theme Music

There is film of children playing in a school playground and singing Hokey Cokey. The title appears in white text over the children's games, followed by the episode title as the film continues.

Episode List

# Title Broadcast
1. Feelings #1980-04-22-00-00-0022 Apr 1980
2. Growing #1980-04-29-00-00-0029 Apr 1980
3. Moving #1980-05-06-00-00-006 May 1980
4. Looking After Young (1980) #1980-05-13-00-00-0013 May 1980
5. Keeping Safe #1980-05-20-00-00-0020 May 1980
6. Homes and Families #1980-06-03-00-00-003 Jun 1980
7. His and Hers? #1980-06-10-00-00-0010 Jun 1980
8. Waste? #1980-06-17-00-00-0017 Jun 1980

The episode Homes and Families has the simpler on-screen title of just Families, but it was consistently billed in the TV Times magazine and identified in teacher's notes by the full title of Homes and Families.

Likewise the episodes His and Hers? and Waste? are listed as such in the TV Times and teacher's notes, with a question mark at the end, but this was not used for the on-screen episode titles.


The order of the episodes was changed from 1982, so that Moving became the first episode, followed by Growing and Looking After Young, then Feelings fourth. The remaining episodes did not change. This new order reflects the order in which the complementary series 3 episodes were added from 1983.


Year Term Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Channel Details
1979-80 Summer 1980 Tuesday, 11:39am Friday, 10:10am ITV Tue not HTV West; Fri not Grampian, Scottish & Borders
1980-81 Summer 1981 Wednesday, 10:10am Friday, 9:58am ITV
1981-82 Spring 1982 Tuesday, 9:35am Friday, 11:05am ITV
1982-83 Spring & Summer 1983 Tuesday, 10:04am Friday, 10:15am ITV Mixed with series 3 episodes
1983-84 Spring & Summer 1984 Wednesday, 9:47am Thursday, 10:11am ITV Mixed with series 3 episodes
1984-85 Spring & Summer 1985 Tuesday, 9:59am Thursday, 11:14am ITV Mixed with series 3 episodes



Teacher's Notes

There were teacher's notes available for each year.

The 1981 notes cover shown here has a photo of Harjit, one of the children from the series, eating an ice cream, and is captioned inside "Alive and Licking?"


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