Template: WatchOnline

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do watch or listen (default watch)
clip yes or no
available set to no if there are no clips actually available, and Property:Includes media will not be set. Used for example on Magic Grandad pages where clips have been taken offline and an explanation is left in a WatchOnline box
service the service which hosts the clip - iplayer, iplayerclip, bbclz, bbcni, 4od, youtube, ytplaylist, teacherstv, nls, scotlandonscreen, etc. Used to populate Property:Includes media from and generate a default link
id id within the service, i.e. local file name, BBC programme ID, Learning Zone playlist file, 4od programme name, YouTube video ID, etc
id2 2nd ID used elsewhere in the URL - currently only used with 4oD for the numerical video IDs
link if set to Yes and an ID is set, then the entire text string will be linked to the ID. If this is used then the text must not contain any other links!
text full wiki text for the box, including links if desired (unless link is yes, in which case the text will all be linked to the video ID and separate links should not be used in the text). If id is defined then this will follow a simple link to the video. If id is not defined then this will be the only text in the box. (optional)

Links to Teachers' TV videos only work with distributors that use the original Teachers' TV database so that links can point to the video index number. Schoolsworld links to the video index numbers no longer work, so Schoolsworld links have been removed.

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